List of tours of the month of May 2016


List of tours of the month of May 2016

1st May –  guided tour to Tuvixeddu, the main Phoenician-Punic necropolis of the Mediterranean, from 15.00 to 19.00. Tourist guide fee € 3 per person. Free for ordinary members and supporters. The tour will last about 30/40 minutes. Well meet at the end of Via Falzarego (behind the Region building of Viale Trento).

5th May – Guided tour to the historical neighborhood of  Villanova with Concetta Pistolesi. Meeting at 16.30 at the “Bastione”, Tourist guide fee € 5 per person, the visit ends  at 18.30.

8th  May – Visit to the Sinai Peninsula archaeological and natural remains. We will meet in Cagliari, Piazza Matteotti at the corner with Via Sassari at 7.15, leaving at 7.30. Packed lunch. Return at 20.00. Fee for guests € 10. Transport contribution of 18 Euros. 

14/15th  May – “Monumenti aperti” visit to the Tomb of the Viper and the necropolis of Tuvixeddu from 9.00 pm to 20.00. The sites are respectively located in Cagliari in via Sant’Avendrace and Via Falzarego.

22nd  May – Visit to Sassari and Porto Torres archaeological and natural remains. Meeting in Cagliari Piazza Matteotti at the corner with Via Sassari  at 6.30, leaving at 6.45. Packed lunch. Return at 20.00. Fee for guests €10, a further contribution of 25 Euros for transport by minibus.

 29th  May – Visit to the Baratuli Castle and the Domus de Janas of Monte Zara Monastir. Aarchaeological and natural remains. Appointment in Cagliari Piazza Matteotti at the corner with Via Sassari at 8.00 leaving at  8.15. Packed lunch. Return at 20.00. Fee for guests € 10. Minibus fee   10 Euros.

2nd  June – Visit by boat to the Asinara island, archaeological and natural remains. Guided tour to the National Park on board of  the great MV Asinara, capacious and comfortable timber latin sail boat of the Blumare Service. Landings and visits to Cala d’Oliva Cala Reale with stops in the coves for swimming in waters of  truly exceptional colors, surrounded by fish. Unique opportunity for snorkeling and underwater photography for all, including children. Meeting in Cagliari at 6.15 in Piazza Matteotti ,corner via Sassari with departure at 6.30 hours. Return at 21.00. Participants contribution: € 85 for guests, ordinary members and supporters EUR 75. Those who leave with their vehicles can meet us at the Port of Stintino and the fee is EUR 55. All those who wish to participate should book by sending an email to with their personal details and mobile number. Immediately after they will be contacted by the Association. For more info call us at 070651884 – 3284772545E . There will be an intermediate stop at the petrol station of Abbasanta (7,30- 7:45 pm) where we will meet other participants from other locations in southern and central Sardinia.


To make a reservation for the tours, if you is not ordinary or supporting member you need to fill

The following form and send it to: Immediately after you will be contacted by the Association for the payment of the contribution.

For more information visit:

Articolo precedente
Elenco delle visite guidate del mese di Maggio 2016
Articolo successivo
Visita a Sassari fra Cavalcata e Monte d’Accoddi