The project starts on Friday 10 July from the Necropolis of Tuvixeddu in Cagliari.

From culture a new project of social economy: Resilienze Culturali

The Amici di Sardegna Association has created a new project supported by the Fondazione di Sardegna (Fundation of Sardinia): “Resilienze Culturali”.

The appointment is for 7.30 pm with a direct on Facebook from the group page:

The proposal is made in collaboration with other partners including: Unpli Sardegna, Sa Facciola Association, APS Viviscout, Start Uno, Anci Sardegna, Forum Sad, Urbanchallengend event, Consorzio del Parco Geomineario e Storico Ambientale della Sardegna and last but not least CSV Sardinia Solidarity Voluntary Association.

The project will be developed in various locations in Sardinia to find what remains of our cultural origin which, despite everything, resists the time, the neglect and short-sightedness of some institutions and the indifference of many who think of development without memory.

But more than the history of the Necropolis and the civilizations that expressed it, we will talk about the enhancement of this site which is in a state of “eternal stasis”, despite being the largest in the Mediterranean basin and could easily become a UNESCO site. A wait, or rather, a stagnation that neither time nor common sense can now tolerate. But what is it that prevents this site from being able to express itself? It could be because civil economy projects, which are linked to the promotion of culture, are not supported; culture that can provide a lot of work and stable employment and contribute to improving the widespread behaviour and sensitivity of residents. These are some of the questions that tomorrow we will try to answer as an example of “cultural resilience” that despite everything resist and slowly spread, taking root more and more in the hearts of many Sardinians but not only…

Villa Cossu, located in the Necropolis of Tuvixeddu in Vico II Sant’Avendrace, now abandoned and inhabited by the homeless.d

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Resilienze Culturali Project in Senorbì and Goni
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