We are Spaniards, Africans, Phoenicians, Carthaginians,
Romans, Arabs, Pisani, Byzantines, Piedmontese.
We are the golden broom that falls
onto rocky trails like large lamps alight.
We are the wild solitude, the immense and deep silence,
the radiance of the sky, the white flower of the cistus.
We are the uninterrupted reign of the mastic tree,
of the waves that flow over ancient granite,
of the dog-rose,
of the wind, of the immensity of the sea.
We are an ancient land of long silences,
of wide and pure horizons, of sombre plants,
of mountains burnt by the sun and vengeance.
We are Sardinians.
Grazia Deledda,
the only female Italian winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1926
In this poem, the poet expresses in a few words the deep love for her land and the strong bond of her people, who are the expression of all civilizations and cultures that have lived in Sardinia over the centuries.
This was the poem that has accompanied the project A journey into Sardinia and within ourselves to rediscover the beauty that is still in this island and, above all, the good we can all give back to the beloved land of ours. A journey to support the search of meaning to be Sardinian. For this reason, the project is entitled: “Cultural Resilience” (Resilienze culturali).
Our culture is the result of a series of contaminations that have occurred over the centuries between the various populations who have lived in the Sardinian territory and of which traces can still be found today.
Resilienze Culturali Project in Senorbì and Goni
With this project we intend to create a series of events, guided tours and conferences on the culture and history of Sardinia, with reference to the knowledge and enhancement of the excellence of citizens in Sardinia who have made cultural resilience a real mission of life.
A tangible example of how culture and love for one’s land can generate wealth and employment.
Among other things, these testimonies and life experiences have also represented a contribution to the diversification and expansion of the regional tourist offer. In fact, they have made it possible to develop training events and projects with attention to the socio-economic integration of the weaker sections of society and have contributed to the creation of territorial marketing initiatives and to encourage sustainable tourism.
The project plans to carry out a series of events over the course of a year at some sites in Sardinia, including: Tuvixeddu (Cagliari), Senorbì, Pranu Mutteddu (Goni), Antas (Fluminimaggiore), Orgosolo, Iglesias, Fluminimaggiore, Masua.
The meetings all have the theme of knowledge and responsible and innovative use of the cultural assets and deposits that Sardinia possesses, often ignored or neglected to encourage sharing and social cohesion.
The common thread of these events is the testimony of citizens who from the culture, alive and participatory, have declined different communicative registers, ranging from art, music, manual skills, artistic performances, animations, hypertextuality. In fact, during the activities there will also be a series of collateral events that will encourage the participation. There will be: tastings of typical products, interviews, thematic insights on the territories about flora, fauna, geology and spirituality.
The project aims to make people discover and/or rediscover (especially residents) the importance of work done by some citizens who have invested in both material and immaterial culture in order to offer it in an innovative and synergistic way through processes of contamination between generations and cultures. The final objective is to transfer managerial knowledge capable of taking charge and developing the proposal of this project on site, implementing the direct generation of resources and attracting future income.
The format of the project is adaptable to any context, subject to appropriate adaptations.
A special role will be played by the entertainers who will facilitate the participation and active involvement of the public with direct on Facebook. The association has gained significant experience in this area, thanks to important projects including a POR in the year 2000 Great regional events “Barumini: art and cultural meetings “Knowing to be”, funded by the Ras Department of the P.I. year 2010/11 and also an international field with an Erasmus project and a RAS L.R. project n.19 / 96 Tunisard year 2018.
We wanted to discover many of those human excellences of our island who have been able to transform culture and love for their land into wealth and employment, despite the difficulties of these times, in which resilience becomes really fundamental.
The project, which began last summer, offered a series of events, guided tours and inspections (such as Tuvixeddu in Cagliari, Pranu Mutteddu in Goni, the Temple of Antas in Fluminimaggiore, but also the archaeological areas of Senorbì, Orgosolo, Iglesias, Fluminimaggiore and Masua), interviews, tastings of typical products (Covid permitting), thematic insights on the territories in question on flora, fauna, geology and spirituality, meetings on the culture and history of Sardinia, during which information material was distributed. In the aforementioned project we have had the precious collaboration of various entities including the Anci Sardegna, Start Uno, Aps Viviscout, Urbanchalgens event, the Geopark of Sardinia, Sardegna Solidale that have added value to the project.
In the various planned stages the local actors were the real protagonists. In fact, they told how love, passion for their own culture and knowledge of the area can allow them to undertake stable activities and give employment and wealth. Their testimonies were an example of this. They allowed us to discover the authentic excellences represented by the people who live in Sardinia, young and old, women and men who wanted and knew how to invest in the local culture making cultural resilience a real-life mission. Among the many testimonies we can point out:
– Cagliari Necropolis of Tuvixeddu 10 and 21 July with Bonario Monzo, Massimo Dotta and Emilia Canto who told about how the passion for their historical and archaeological heritage should lead people to take on a respectful and protective behaviour toward these important resources:
– Orgosolo August 24 and 28 meeting with Gianfranco Crissantu and Roberto Meloni who told us about a community that over the years has been able to preserve the value of tradition in a highly globalized context and how they have worked to encourage this process:
– South West Sardinia 10/12/19/20 September. The Temple of Antas in Fluminimaggiore with Tiziana Cau, Masua and Nebida with Alessio Piras, Iglesias with Milena Minio. 3 young people who were able to make their passion for the territory become a source of work. The first by forming together to other partners a tourist services company, the second operating in the social hiking sector and the third collaborating with local associations for the study and conservation of the historical memory of their community:
– Goni and Senorbi 10/11/13 October. Necropolis of Pranu Mutteddu in Goni with Sergio Efisio Arba who told us how his passion has become a job; and Nuraghe Simieri with Simone Cirina who told us about how young people can approach culture and history and find job opportunities:
-Cagliari October 16 interview with Giampaolo Secci author of an interesting and innovative research on the Giants of Mont’e Prama: https://www.facebook.com/106864004436974/videos/722665631940304
– Cagliari Monte Claro 22 December interview with Andrea Loddo di Lanusei, artist and craftsman who creates faithful reproductions of objects and tools from the Nuragic period: https://www.facebook.com/106864004436974/videos/2453030125003806
– Cagliari 23 December interview with Tarcisio Agus president of the Geopark of Sardinia who told us about his life experience linked to the enhancement of the environmental and geological heritage of Sardinia: https://www.facebook.com/106864004436974/videos/713378199595507
The abovementioned events are proof and life experiences that have made an important contribution to the diversification and expansion of the tourist offer in Sardinia, with new territorial marketing policies and greater attention to sustainable tourism. During the activities, ideas, examples and procedures were shared. This sharing can lead the way to all the potential energies present in Sardinia. The project aimed at transferring knowledge about management necessary to locally develop the enormous cultural deposits that are found, often neglected and abandoned, throughout Sardinia, just waiting to be known, protected and valued. Due to the pandemic situation, the project was modified during construction, adapting it to the changed context that prevented gatherings, requiring physical distancing and the use of masks.
For this reason, the visits were reduced and the presence of the public was very limited. In order to guarantee participation, however, direct use was made of social media (Facebook) by creating a special page dedicated to the “Resilienze Culturali” project. This project has allowed us to get to know the archaeological and landscape realities that have filled our eyes and hearts with an indescribable beauty and charm. However, even more surprising are the concrete testimonies of the real protagonists of their territories, true examples of #Resilienze #Culturali that every day work to make Sardinia known and loved.
We would like to thank all the collaborators who have allowed us to carry out this exciting project and the Foundation of Sardinia (Fondazione di Sardegna) for the contribution granted.
The press and the media have repeatedly talked about our initiative:
Mission of the Amici di Sardegna Association is:
- Sensitize and motivate many people in the discovery or rediscovery of their own cultural subjectivity to acquire and/or consolidate different sensitivities.
- Generate positive processes of belonging and develop widespread awareness.
- Valuing one’s culture through experiences and emotions.
- The hope is to involve several thousand citizens in the course of 8 scheduled events and to obtain the
following results: - Increasing the attractiveness of the territories and strengthening the offer, thanks to the originality of the proposal.
- Education for knowledge and consolidation of relationships between people, stories and places.
- Mastery in and of the territories involved and greater care of the proposed sites to have positive effects.
- Possibility for local actors to replicate events of this nature with the involvement of other administrations and to counteract the socio-economic vulnerability of the territories.
- Improve the relationship between people belonging to different communities and foster intergenerational and intercultural dialogue.
- Encourage the creation of safeguards in the proposed sites and create partnerships capable of offering stable and innovative integrated services.
- Improve the integrated offer of socio-cultural tourism.
- Involve international operators of socio-cultural and environmental tourism.