“Amici di Sardegna” Associazione – “Friends of Sardinia” Organisation

Selfie di fine corso di gennaio 2015!

isola-di-tavolaratempio-di-antasmurale-orgosolovisita-guidata-parteollatomba-dei-giganti-gennu-e-thomas-dorgalipan-di-zuccheroisilifoto-gruppo-visita-guidata-sarrochsella-del-diavolo-cagliaridolmen-sa-coccovada-moresamici-di-sardegna-onlus-bannerchiesa-San-Pietro-extra-Muros-bosa is the only voluntary organisation being active in Sardinia for more than 20 years with the aim of promoting knowledge about the island and its discovery. Its activities cover the following areas: Environment, Culture, Sustainable Tourism and International Cooperation.

Amici di Sardegna cooperates with public and private institutions, universities and other educational institutions at various levels. More specifically, it offers exclusive tours addressed to all those interested in Archeology, Nature, Tradition, Myth, Cuisine, Ethnicity, Art, Craftmanship, Music, and Media.
We are able to organise personalised itineraries (also of several days) in every spot on the island, where priority is given to your demands and your availability. Our services are for free and we offer them because it is our pleasure to introduce ourselves and our organisation. What we do not cover are transport, food and accomodation expenses, but we can advise some very competitive deals. What we try to do is indeed to make use of private homes, B&Bs and agritourisms rather than hotels. We also have special offers for universities, educational institutions and companies that are willing to get to know this legendary island at the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. Our operators, who speak several languages, can guide you to introduce you to a different side of Sardinia, genuine and unknown to the mass.
To benefit from our services we ask you to make a contribution of €50, valid for one whole year.
The contribution can be transferred to the following bank account: 15229099, with as a reason: socio escursionista.
IBAN: IT05C0760104800000015229099
ABI: 07601
CAB: 04800
You will then be able to benefit from our services for the whole year.
Kind regards,
Amici di Sardegna… to be Sardinian citizens in the world!
Amici di Sardegna ONLUS – Location and Contact
Regional offices: via San Lucifero n. 43 09125 Cagliari
Tel. 070/7571098
Operating offices: Via Baronia 19 – 09121 Cagliari Tel 070/651884
Freecall number: 800 181 424
Insurance: R. C. and Infortuni La Cattolica
Bank account: 1529099 registered under the name of Associazione di Volontariato Amici di Sardegna
Amici di Sardegna ONLUS is registered on the Sardinian Voluntary Work General Register (Registro Generale del Volontariato della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna n. 593).
Articolo precedente
La leggenda di Santa Barbara prende corpo grazie a “Riscoprire Capoterra” degli Amici di Sardegna
Articolo successivo
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